API Reference#

Here is the API reference for gptme.


Some of the core classes and functions in gptme.


A message in the conversation.

class gptme.message.Message#

A message in the assistant conversation.


The role of the message sender (system, user, or assistant).


The content of the message.


Whether this message should be pinned to the top of the chat, and never context-trimmed.


Whether this message should be hidden from the chat output (but still be sent to the assistant).


Whether this message should be printed on execution (will still print on resume, unlike hide). This is not persisted to the log file.


The timestamp of the message.


Files attached to the message, could e.g. be images for vision.

__init__(role: ~typing.Literal['system', 'user', 'assistant'], content: str, pinned: bool = False, hide: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, timestamp: ~datetime.datetime = <factory>, files: list[~pathlib.Path] = <factory>) None#
classmethod from_toml(toml: str) Self#

Converts a TOML string to a message.

The string can be a single [[message]].

get_codeblocks() list[Codeblock]#

Get all codeblocks from the message content.

replace(**kwargs) Self#

Replace attributes of the message.

to_dict(keys=None, openai=False, anthropic=False) dict#

Return a dict representation of the message, serializable to JSON.

to_toml() str#

Converts a message to a TOML string, for easy editing by hand in editor to then be parsed back.


A codeblock in a message, possibly executable by tools.

class gptme.codeblock.Codeblock#

Codeblock(lang: str, content: str, path: str | None = None, start: int | None = None)

__init__(lang: str, content: str, path: str | None = None, start: int | None = None) None#
classmethod from_xml(content: str) Codeblock#


<codeblock lang=”python” path=”example.py”> print(“Hello, world!”) </codeblock>


Holds the current conversation as a list of messages, saves and loads the conversation to and from files, supports branching, etc.

class gptme.logmanager.Conversation#

Conversation(name: str, path: str, created: float, modified: float, messages: int, branches: int)

__init__(name: str, path: str, created: float, modified: float, messages: int, branches: int) None#
class gptme.logmanager.LogManager#

Manages a conversation log.

__init__(log: list[Message] | None = None, logdir: str | Path | None = None, branch: str | None = None, show_hidden=False)#
append(msg: Message) None#

Appends a message to the log, writes the log, prints the message.

branch(name: str) None#

Switches to a branch.

diff(branch: str) str | None#

Prints the diff between the current branch and another branch.

edit(new_log: list[Message]) None#

Edits the log.

fork(name: str) None#

Copy the conversation folder to a new name.

classmethod load(logdir: str | Path, initial_msgs: list[Message] | None = None, branch: str = 'main', create: bool = False, **kwargs) LogManager#

Loads a conversation log.

prepare_messages() list[Message]#

Prepares the log into messages before sending it to the LLM.

rename(name: str, keep_date=False) None#

Rename the conversation. Renames the folder containing the conversation and its branches.

If keep_date is True, we will keep the date part of conversation folder name (“2021-08-01-some-name”) If you want to keep the old log, use fork()

to_dict(branches=False) dict#

Returns a dict representation of the log.

undo(n: int = 1, quiet=False) None#

Removes the last message from the log.

write(branches=True) None#

Writes to the conversation log.

gptme.logmanager.get_conversations() Generator[Conversation, None, None]#

Returns all conversations, excluding ones used for testing, evals, etc.

gptme.logmanager.get_user_conversations() Generator[Conversation, None, None]#

Returns all user conversations, excluding ones used for testing, evals, etc.


See Prompts for more information.


Supporting classes and functions for creating and using tools.

class gptme.tools.ToolSpec#

Tool specification. Defines a tool that can be used by the agent.

  • name – The name of the tool.

  • desc – A description of the tool.

  • instructions – Instructions on how to use the tool.

  • examples – Example usage of the tool.

  • functions – Functions registered in the IPython REPL.

  • init – An optional function that is called when the tool is first loaded.

  • execute – An optional function that is called when the tool executes a block.

  • block_types – A list of block types that the tool will execute.

  • available – Whether the tool is available for use.

__init__(name: str, desc: str, instructions: str = '', examples: str = '', functions: list[~collections.abc.Callable] | None = None, init: ~collections.abc.Callable[[], ~gptme.tools.base.ToolSpec] | None = None, execute: ~gptme.tools.base.ExecuteFunc | None = None, block_types: list[str] = <factory>, available: bool = True) None#
get_doc(doc: str | None = None) str#

Returns an updated docstring with examples.

class gptme.tools.ToolUse#

ToolUse(tool: str, args: list[str], content: str, start: int | None = None)

__init__(tool: str, args: list[str], content: str, start: int | None = None) None#
execute(ask: bool) Generator[Message, None, None]#

Executes a tool-use tag and returns the output.

classmethod iter_from_content(content: str) Generator[ToolUse, None, None]#

Returns all ToolUse in a message, markdown or XML, in order.

gptme.tools.execute_msg(msg: Message, ask: bool) Generator[Message, None, None]#

Uses any tools called in a message and returns the response.


See Server for more information.

Server for gptme.

gptme.server.create_app() Flask#

Create the Flask app.