


We welcome contributions to the project. Here is some information to get you started.


This document is a work in progress. PRs are welcome.


# checkout the code and navigate to the root of the project
git clone
cd gptme

# install poetry (if not installed)
pipx install poetry

# activate the virtualenv
poetry shell

# build the project
make build

You can now start gptme from your development environment using the regular commands.

You can also install it in editable mode with pipx using pipx install -e . which will let you use your development version of gptme regardless of venv.


Run tests with make test.

Some tests make LLM calls, which might take a while and so are not run by default. You can run them with make test SLOW=true.

Tests are currently covering:

  • tools like shell and Python

  • integration tests that make LLM calls, run the generated code, and checks the output - this could be used as a LLM eval harness

There are also some integration tests in ./tests/ which are used to manually test more complex tasks.


To make a release, simply run make release and follow the instructions.