CLI Reference

CLI Reference#

gptme provides the following commands:

This is the full CLI reference. For a more concise version, run gptme --help.


gptme is a chat-CLI for LLMs, empowering them with tools to run shell commands, execute code, read and manipulate files, and more.

If PROMPTS are provided, a new conversation will be started with it. PROMPTS can be chained with the ‘-’ separator.

The interface provides user commands that can be used to interact with the system.

Available commands:
/undo Undo the last action
/log Show the conversation log
/edit Edit the conversation in your editor
/rename Rename the conversation
/fork Create a copy of the conversation with a new name
/summarize Summarize the conversation
/replay Re-execute codeblocks in the conversation, wont store output in log
/impersonate Impersonate the assistant
/tokens Show the number of tokens used
/tools Show available tools
/help Show this help message
/exit Exit the program
gptme [OPTIONS] [PROMPTS]...


-n, --name <name>#

Name of conversation. Defaults to generating a random name.

-m, --model <model>#

Model to use, e.g. openai/gpt-4o, anthropic/claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620. If only provider given, a default is used.

-w, --workspace <workspace>#

Path to workspace directory. Pass @log’ to create a workspace in the log directory.

-r, --resume#

Load last conversation

-y, --no-confirm#

Skips all confirmation prompts.

-n, --non-interactive#

Force non-interactive mode. Implies –no-confirm.

--system <prompt_system>#

System prompt. Can be ‘full’, ‘short’, or something custom.

-t, --tools <tool_allowlist>#

Comma-separated list of tools to allow. Available: read, save, append, patch, shell, subagent, tmux, browser, gh, chats, screenshot, vision, python.


Don’t stream responses


Show hidden system messages.

-v, --verbose#

Show verbose output.


Show version and configuration information



Optional argument(s)


Starts a server and web UI for gptme.

Note that this is very much a work in progress, and is not yet ready for normal use.

gptme-server [OPTIONS]



Debug mode

-v, --verbose#

Verbose output

--model <model>#

Model to use by default, can be overridden in each request.


Run evals for gptme. Pass eval or suite names to run, or result files to print.

Output from evals will be captured, unless a single eval is run, and saved to the results directory.



-m, --model <_model>#

Model to use, can be passed multiple times.

-t, --timeout <timeout>#

Timeout for code generation

-p, --parallel <parallel>#

Number of parallel evals to run



Optional argument(s)